Coloring Book Sample Page

Would you like a sample page from the upcoming adult coloring book Up North Minnesota?

Click on the coloring page (in the middle) below—it’s a free download! (The original photo and my colorized version are for your reference if you’d like a pattern to go by.)

Aster and butterflies original photo
My original photo
Aster and butterflies coloring page
Coloring page (8.5×11)
Aster and butterflies colorized version
My colorized version

I recommend artist-quality colored pencils for this. You’ll get the most vibrant colors and some great color choices. Blending colors is easy with high-quality pencils too. Prismacolor, Faber-Castell and Bruynzeel are all trusted brands. Here’s an article with suggestions.

(Stay away from Crayola and other cheap brands you can buy at Target and Walmart. You won’t be happy with them! You should be able to find a nice set of quality pencils at Michael’s, Hobby Lobby or an artist supply retailer like Dick Blick. Or you can order online, of course.)