"Heaven and Nature Sing" title

365 daily devotionals for outdoor & nature lovers

“A welcome addition to the growing body of literature encouraging God’s people to return to Him in praise and adoration through both the special revelation of His Word, and the general revelation of His creation.” ~ Joel Vermillion, Wilderness Ministry Institute

Heaven and Nature Sing book cover

Heaven and Nature Sing

365 Daily Devotionals for Outdoor & Nature Lovers • Edited by Sharon Brodin

Heaven and Nature Sing is a daily devotional book, available in paperback, hardcover and e-book. It’s a collaborative work by 26 different writers and artists from all over the US and around the world.

We believe God created nature and He speaks through nature. These devotionals will help you connect more with our creative and loving God, and the world He made. 385 pages.

“My backpack for the next trip just got a little heavier, as I sure want to bring this book with me and read it when I watch the sunrise or sunset, or by the campfire.” ~ Ed Wu, Premier Education Partners

(photo by Jung Ho Park/used by permission • See more of his beautiful photos at @mylovefromjesus)

What’s New on the Blog

"What the Bible Says about Creation" header over a background of sun shining through trees

Nature and Creation in the Bible

When most people think about the Bible and nature, what comes to mind is Genesis and the creation story. Period. But the Bible says a whole lot more! “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…” Genesis 1:1 …

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"Migration and Calling" with image of a flock of Canada geese in V formation at sunrise

Animal Migration and Epic Journeys in the Bible

It’s fall in Minnesota and that means the Canadian geese are migrating. Every day I see them flying overhead on their way to their winter habitat. It symbolizes a change in season and is something embedded in the biology of …

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"Outdoor volunteering" with image of a bunch of people splitting wood, piles of logs and split wood around them

Volunteer to Make a Difference with Outdoor Ministries

A great way to get outside and be active, build community and help others is to volunteer for outdoor camps, ministries and businesses. Larger organizations usually have a volunteer coordinator (either paid or volunteer!), a volunteer application process and volunteer …

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"How Paddling teaches us Resilience" with image of two women in a tandem sea kayak along a rocky shoreline

Paddling Through Life: How to Build Resilience

Paddling kayaks and canoes has many life lessons for us. Resilience is one of them. Learning it can carry us through many challenges. “The Lord deserves praise! Day after day He carries our burden, the God who delivers us. Our …

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"Giving God my weak yes" with image of three women on a mountaintop

God Gives Power to the Weak and Weary

There have been multiple times when I’ve gotten part of the way through a challenging outdoor activity and thought, “I can’t do this!”  “He gives power to the weak. He increases the strength of him who has no might.” Isaiah …

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"Peace during life's storms" with image of dark storm clouds above trees

Peace is Possible in the Storms of Life

“Don’t let your heart be troubled…” (John 14:1). What thoughts came into your mind when you read that? Anything like this: “Yeah, that’s easy for you to say!” “Are you kidding me?” “How can my heart not be troubled? You …

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"Draw near with Confidence" with image of boy feeding a Canada jay out of his hand

Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace

“Let’s therefore draw near with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace for help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 [The following is taken from the devotional book Heaven and Nature Sing, …

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"Conceal or Heal?" with blurry image of tamarack trees in a forest

God Designed Trees and People to Heal Differently

Trees and humans both have healing mechanisms built into the way they’re made. This gives us a metaphor that can teach us a part of how God wants us to look at healing. Trees can withstand many injuries—wildfire, wind, losing …

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"the extraordinary spider" with image of yellow spider on its web

Spiders are Silk Spinners and Amazing Architects

I admit it—I’m not a fan of spiders. They creep me out! But the design of spiders is a wonderful example of God’s creativity and wisdom. (Maybe after writing this I’ll be more of a fan! haha) Here’s a quick …

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"Symbiotic Relationships" with image of monarch butterfly on flowers

Why Symbiotic Relationships in Nature are So Fascinating

Symbiotic relationships—when two widely different natural species depend on each other for survival—are fascinating! Some relationships in nature don’t benefit both parties. And some harm one party—parasites, for example. We’re going to look here at “mutually symbiotic” relationships in nature—when …

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