Seeing God in Nature

"Seeing God in Nature" with image of woman standing on a cliff over a big lake

God’s eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen through the world He created. We see His handiwork everywhere. For the invisible things of Him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that …

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What does Jesus have to do with Nature?

"Jesus and Nature" over image of lake/clouds

There are things in our lives we tend to keep separate—like Jesus and nature. We don’t do it on purpose…it just happens until we start to rethink it. In reality, Jesus and nature are indelibly linked together! I’ve always loved …

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How to Use a Daily Devotional

"How to Use a Daily Devotional" with image of man reading a book

How you use a daily devotional depends on you—your learning and reading style, the amount of time you decide to put into it, how deep you want to go. Here are some ideas on how to use and get the …

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