How Rest Helps Produce a Thriving Life

"Rest to Thrive" with image of woman sitting lakeside, journaling

“God blessed the seventh day, and made it holy, because He rested in it from all His work of creation which He had done.” Genesis 2:3 (NOTE: I’ve taken and expanded on the devotional for June 2 in Heaven and …

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What Does a “Narrow Gate Life” Look Like?

"The narrow gate life" with image of a small gate in a wood fence in the trees

“One of the accusations against Christianity is that is it narrow-minded. The exclusive claim of salvation only in Christ goes against the modern open-minded thinking…” (That’s from Emil Toader’s devotional in Heaven and Nature Sing, December 1) Emil grew up …

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How to Thrive through Desert Seasons

As any follower of Jesus knows, our life involves some “desert seasons.” Dryness in any—or many—areas of life. These desert seasons are never without hope! In Heaven and Nature Sing, there are four back-to-back devotionals in April that talk about …

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How 26 People Collaborated on Our Devotional Book

"The Journey" with a box of books

The devotional book Heaven and Nature Sing was a collaborative effort of writing, photography and illustration between 26 different authors and artists. One of the reasons I believe so strongly that the idea for this book was straight from the …

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Why We Need to Get Fit…and Stay Fit

"Let's get and stay fit!" with image of two women kayaking on a lake

Why is it we can be the most informed, educated people in the history of the world and still don’t do the things we know are best for us? We know all kinds of things are good for us and …

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Which of These Two Lions Keeps Your Attention?

"A tale of two lions" with images of two male lions

One of nature’s largest predators, lions are both frightening and amazing. The Bible has a lot to say about lions, probably because they were common at that time in Israel. Actual lions appear in several Old Testament stories. Samson, David, …

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What Long-Distance Running Taught Me about Life

I still remember the day my friend Lisa called and asked, “Will you sign up for Grandma’s Half Marathon with me?” I had been a recreational runner for years, and always thought of trying a half. But when faced with …

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