Why You Should Head North in the Winter

"head north in the winter" with image of woman standing on a lake shore in the winter

Here in Minnesota, most people dream of heading South sometime during our cold winter. But one of my favorite winter trips is going North instead! I’m not against going somewhere warm. I’ve been to Florida in the winter, and Mexico …

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Great News about Moderate Exercise and Longevity

"moderate exercise and longevity" with image of woman snowshoeing in the woods

Here’s some very good news about the connection between regular moderate exercise and longevity. Not just a longer life but a healthier, more enjoyable and more fruitful life! If you really don’t like to work out—or if, like me, you’re …

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Why Beauty Makes a Difference in Our Lives

"why beauty matters" with image of bougainvillea vines and mountains

Beauty is an amazing gift from an amazing God. If it serves no other purpose than to bring us joy…a smile…an “ah” feeling inside…then it’s worth it. When my dad started to experience memory-loss episodes a few years ago, my …

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Going-to-the-Sun Road is a National Treasure

"Glacier National Park's Going to the Sun Road" with image of mountain landscape

Going-to-the-Sun Road is arguably the most scenic drive in the US. Every American should take this at least once—it’s one of our national treasures! The mountain setting is nothing short of spectacular. Combine that with the alpine lakes and rivers, …

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